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Break bad habits in the bedroom
Learn how to break out bad habits in the bedroom for a better relationship with Lea Mattress
It is the season of love with Valentine’s Day just around the corner. Maybe you are just dating, newly married or have been together for what feels like a lifetime - nonetheless, bad sleeping habits are eternally exasperating.
A recent study was conducted between 1,000 people to discover what was keeping them up at night and leaving them feeling tired during the day. The answer was their partner…. The results caused a divide between the couples showing that sleep disturbance happens regularly in relationships.
Cover Stealers
The number one pet peeve for the average couple was their other half stealing the covers during the night. Many sleep problems stem from being left uncovered and cold during the night thanks to your blanket stealing partner.
It is suggested that children who fall asleep with comfort blankets and teddy bears are more likely to demonstrate these sleeping habits as adults as they depend on the closeness of holding something to their chest.
Perhaps giving them a cuddly toy for valentines is the only solution to this timeworn tale of sleepless nights.
Staying asleep next to a snoring partner can be a difficult task, especially when you are trying to unconsciously drown out the sound. Taking control of the situation could be beneficial for your relationship, one way to do this is by upgrading your mattress quality.
A pocket sprung mattress is a great option as it provides spinal support, allowing you to sleep in a straight position with opened airways. Lea Mattress products are designed to give you maximum comfort whilst improving your wellbeing.
Pet Peeves
Most men complained that they were unable to experience good sleep due to their pet taking up a large proportion of the bed. Interestingly, this didn't make the women’s list - posing the question, do we love our dogs more than our husbands?
To create a balance, get inspired by the various bedroom ideas for dog/cat beds. Find something that ties in with your bedroom furniture, such as bedside tables, so that it can blend in naturally and still look well designed.
Size Matters
Both sides of the argument were bothered about the lack of space they have during the night. We often research whether our star signs are compatible - but what about our sleeping positions?
Side sleepers and back sleepers are more likely to cause disruptive nights together as one desires more space than the other. If you are experiencing this issue then upgrading your bed from a double bed to a king size bed, or even a super king bed, could be your saviour.
Allowing more space in your bed could bring your romantic connection closer, as well as more hours of sleep.
Time to Switch Off
Many women argue that there is a third element to their relationship - an electronic device. It is extremely distracting when you are drifting off to sleep and suddenly your loved one turns up the volume on the tv.
The average person spends an extensive amount of time every day using a smartphone, desktop or tablet. It is important to allow at least 30 minutes of device free time to achieve a regular sleep pattern, however, sleep specialists recommend turning off all devices two hours before bedtime.
What bothers you in the bedroom? Tell us over on social media @leamattress