Is Seasonal Affective Disorder Disrupting Your Sleep?

Have you noticed the change?

Darkness stealing your light, the gas bill climbing higher and suddenly you’re feeling tired, lethargic and sleepy…all the time?

You’ve shrugged it down to having the ‘winter blues’ but there might be another answer to the onslaught of depressive thoughts and disturbance in your sleep.

And that answer might be SAD.

What is Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)?

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) affects 1 in 3 people in the UK, most likely sufferers being women and young people. SAD is a seasonal depression onset by the reduction of sunlight in the winter months, resulting in feelings of hopelessness, lethargy, sadness, lack of interest in activities and disruption in sleep. The science behind Seasonal Affective Disorder comes down to a hormonal imbalance. The loss of sunlight decreases serotonin production—the hormone regulating mood and the body’s internal clock. Simultaneously, darkness causes melatonin production (hormone regulating sleep) to increase, causing excessive sleepiness and tiredness. In fact, a study found that people suffering from SAD, sleep on average two hours longer than usual.

On paper, it might not sound like such a bad thing.

However, when it comes to SAD and sleep, quantity (sadly) does not equal quality.

With sleep deprivation contributing to crippling symptoms of SAD, does it mean it’s going to be a bleak winter ahead?

Is there a way to control Seasonal Affective Disorder?

Light may be scarcer outside, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. There are things you can do to alleviate and treat Seasonal Affective Disorder, and the good news is, the same simple lifestyle changes will also help you have a better night’s sleep.

1. Head for the light

Make the most of natural light and sunshine. Getting up early and enjoying the morning light can do wonders for your mood and help combat the causes of Seasonal Affective Disorder. Fresh air also relaxes the mind and body, contributing to better sleep.

When natural sunlight fails us (let’s face it, we might be an island but we’re far from the tropics), light therapy is also a common form of treatment for SAD. Research has found that just 30 minutes per day of sitting in front of a special, sunlight-simulating lamp can reduce depressive symptoms significantly.

 2. Lead a healthy lifestyle

PE with Joe might have come to an end with national lockdown, but the benefits of exercise remain. Whether you enjoy a walk in the park, lifting weights or a high-intensity spin class, exercise is not just good for your waistline. Exercise contributes to overall well-being, mental health and a better night’s sleep.

Seasonal Affective Disorder Lea Mattress

Keep an eye on your diet too. Seasonal Affective Disorder can make you reach for comfort foods but try to make conscious choices for healthier alternatives. You can eat the rainbow in more ways than a bag of Skittles. Also, consider a vitamin D supplement for the winter months. Vitamin D deficiency can contribute to depressive symptoms and poor sleep quality.

3. Get a good night’s sleep

Sleep is essential for overall well-being. It helps balance your moods and combats depression and anxiety. Yet, as seen with issues caused by SAD, the focus should be on the quality of sleep. For better sleep, a sleep routine is key—what you do before bedtime has a big impact on the quality of your sleep.

Try implementing these tips:

· Keep a consistent sleep schedule, going to bed and waking up roughly at the same time every day

· Watch what you eat and drink before you snooze—avoid caffeine, alcohol, too much fluid and a heavy meal

· Have a relaxing bedtime routine by turning off electronic devices 30 minutes before bedtime and by limiting bright lights

· Don’t go to bed unless you are sleepy; if you’re not asleep in 20 minutes, get out of bed and try again later.

Also, the key to a better night’s sleep is how comfortable you are when in bed. 

At Lea Mattress we take a good night’s sleep seriously. A quality mattress is essential for healthy sleep hygiene as well as stopping aches and pains, resulting in better sleep. Our Premium Mattress and Ergonomic Plus Mattress have been designed to provide exceptional comfort and support, each layer in the mattress doing its job towards this purpose. Our high-quality mattresses are hypoallergenic, breathable and offer pressure relief to your whole body. A special KGEL layer will also help in reducing heat build-up. At Lea Mattress you can choose which mattress is right for your needs—next-generation full foam or a hybrid, foam and pocket spring mattress. With a Lea Mattress, you can rest assured that the quality of your mattress, and so your sleep, is not compromised.